Yesterday Nike's talented team of decorators payed us a visit and gave our Nike space a small make-over for their big "American Made" campaign. For those of you who don't know what "American Made" is all about, here's a small intro:
The "American Made" campaign features Sweden's first NBA player Jonas Jerebko & Swedish hip hop artist Adam Tensta (who's also big in the States). These young & talented guys got together in Detroit to discuss what it's like to be a star player in amercian basketball coming from Sweden.
As you might have guessed already, the Nike Destroyer Jacket is the key to the campaign.

In line with The Swedish influence on the campaign, The "American Made" logo is designed by extremely talanted swedish graphic artist Finsta
Besides designing for Nike, Finsta is behind a lot of other recognized works, such as the Kobe Byrant and Lebrone James cartoons.
Here's what the store looks like. Pretty cool huh?
We need you support on our Cali Crew Basketball Team, so go here!!!Check out the trailer beneath for a further insight into the "American Made" campaign