Friday, July 20, 2007

Reebok * Bijules

Jules at Six Feet Down,

As you might know one of New Yorks best Jewlers was here to show us whats up in the bling bling market. With cool and inovative designs she is considered to be one of the best out there.
You can find more pictures on the Cali blog, and hear what she has to say in an radio interview. at sveriges radio

Jules stopped buy to pick up a pair of reeboks today, With a lot to choose from it took some time to pick the right pair. but The latest drop from reebok is what she finally picked.
Find her at myspace

The kicks are part of Reeboks Freestyle 25 year anniverary...

Maggie Horn in her reeboks on stage at china teatern
Maggie was a part of the crew that hosted Chinateatern/Sweden

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